Monday, October 22, 2012

Bathroom Project

Bathroom Project

This bathroom project, as the previous kitchen project, was challenging and new to me. Designing a bathroom that meets ADA standards, while still keeping it aesthetically pleasing and incorporating my design concept is a challenging thing to do, yet the struggle made me realize and learn more about design, especially bathroom design.

This bathroom is part of St. Elmo Hotel, Palouse, apartments, and it is located in the same place as the kitchen, below. It is important to carry the design aspects of the kitchen to achieve a harmonious and holistic design in the entire apartment.

As I mentioned before, this is my very first time designing a bathroom, and it is incredible to see the amount of information, specific standards for bathroom design, that I learned in such a short period of time. I built my knowledge by first learning about bathroom design through reading and keeping a record of that information, which later I put into practice. I designed around the ADA standards and sustainability, some people might see this as a challenge, yet this is when true inspiration and creativity kick in, to please the client and produce a functional and aesthetically pleasing design. The client asked to re-use the most possible of the materials in the building, this is when I decided to use lath, one of the most abundant materials in the site, in one of my bathroom walls, it became the main wall, representing the key element of the project, sustainability.

It is amazing to see my design transform, from a parti sketch, a concept model, to later develop into a bathroom design. It is fun to see the transition from my kitchen design to the bathroom, how the use of different materials and location does not affect the cohesive relationship between the two.
Bathroom Project Poster
It is very important that, after all our hard work and effort, this information is presented in a clear and readable manner. It is important for the client to visually see and understand all the phases of the project. For this poster everything was drafted, and then all the work was scanned and arranged in InDesign to produce a digital poster.
Volumetric Bathroom Model

A volumetric model helps us visualize the space created in a floor plan, 2D drawing, in 3D. It is important to understand the relationship between 2D and 3D drawings and the correlation in the actual space.

In this image elements in the shower can be appreciated, a 5' turn radius allows a wheel chair to enter the shower. The toilet is also ADA accessible, allowing a side approach!



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