Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Chinese Inspired Textile Pattern

 Concept Statement

The inspiration for this textile came from Chinese culture and their traditional saturated color palette used; gold, red, blue, yellow and green. The color palette in combination with their traditional motifs, dragons and fretwork inspired me to complete my creation. Chinese overall aesthetics is very formal and uses both symmetry and asymmetry. This is found in various design forms including buildings, interiors, fine arts and furniture. When composing my textile pattern symmetry created by the fretwork on top and bottom, yet the center image, the dragon another important motif in Chinese culture, incorporates that asymmetrical aspect. This color palette provides a variety of contrast, for instance the red and green, are complimentary colors, as well as yellow and blue, enhancing each other, I used tools in Photoshop to make these characteristics more obvious. 

30x30 Pattern 

The textile pattern is a continuation of my exploration of the Chinese culture. For this pattern I researched images from the 18th century, to incorporate into my design. These images are not as modified as before, yet it did take manipulation in Photoshop to put the composition together. I decided to use a dragon as the main figure since in Chinese culture it is a very important motif, along with their peculiar saturated color scheme; gold, red, blue, green and yellow. Another important aspect of Chinese culture is fretwork, which in my piece I included as a border on the top and bottom. The fretwork in my image was hand-drawn by me, then using tools in Photoshop I added the golden pieces shown, as well as a red outline. There is one more piece which takes us back to China, and that is their Blue and White Porcelain. This aspect was added as a background for the fretwork. Overall, I wanted my composition to simply express and show my inspiration, and represent Chinese culture though the unification of various components significant to this culture.

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