Thursday, September 20, 2012

Concept development

 Concept Development

As designers it is really important to translate and communicate ideas to clients, a very basic way we do this is by sketching and providing visuals for others to understand and "see" our ideas. It is very important for as to develop 2D sketches to 3D models and then finally to functional spatial ideas. On this project develop a concept for my idea of "Home." Three keywords that came to me when analyzing this concept are Protection, Unity and Infinity.

2D Thumbnail Sketches

Developing a concept always involves developing many options to finally produce a unique and functional solution to any problem, usually through sketching and annotating sketches.These are the thumbnail sketches I came up with after analyzing my three keywords, which helped me to develop a 3D concept model.

3D Study Models

After working on my thumbnail sketches I developed several study models to communicate my concept of Home.
Final Concept Model

The final 3D concept model has high quality materials, as well as any application of final details, such as color. I tried to emphasize on my three keywords, protection, unity and infinity, by creating layers of protection in my model through forms and color. Wire links the entire structure, unifying it, while the wire loops throughout the structure, providing the sense of an infinite unity which protects me from the outside world that to me is HOME.

Final Parti

A parti is an idea which influences our concept, and here I have a rough draft of my Concept Statement. My parti was influenced by a poem about home, from that I developed my 2D sketches which then turned into my study model, which helped me communicate my idea of Home.

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