Monday, April 9, 2012



The task in hand for this project was to create a logo that describes and represents us, using our design philosophy as the inspiration for the logo. This logo was created in illustrator which is a software program similar to Photoshop, and the Wacom tablet. Both tools used to create the logo were completely new to me before starting the process of creation. The tablet is a perfect mix of digital drawing and hand drawing, which takes sketching to a new different level. The design that resulted after pondering for a while, and with the use of the tools provided, represents my stage as a designer up to this point. It is simple, as less is more, combing my initials, G and Z, as well as my last name. There is contrast not only with color but also with the fonts used. I thought a complimentary color scheme would bring to the table the contrast I was looking for. I chose violet and yellow as my scheme since the meaning of the hue describes my character as loyal, energizing and very imaginative, also my friends know that violet is my favorite color. The use of cursive writing describes the side of me that is delicate, formal, and simply beautiful, and that is something I hope to achieve through design.  

 Wacom tablet Sketches

Hand Sketches

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